A Forgotten Comment;

I did forget something;

When I made my comment about S.A.M. in this thread I left something out. I have been a subscriber to both since they’re inception actually. Now when F.S.M. went Digital, I followed. Same with S.A.M.

The odd member dates are because of site issues that required re-registering, at a later date of course. Now that that’s cleared up, here’s my forgotten comment. In S.A.M. I noticed over time the decline of membership Posting.

I don’t think it was because of what S.A.M. did or did NOT do. It just happened. When you have such a tight niche this happens. Central Arkansas Modelers Society( of which I was a founding Member) Now, under a new Name continues to thrive. In the beginning we were very car centric. Hence the name( CAMS,as in what’s indside an engine).

The entity was so proud to get their I.P.M.S. charter. That’s when we started getting the rest, Tanks, Planes, and Ships, fell out of the woodwork, in all scales. This prompted us to try for a show,and we succeeded. I do believe that if they had stayed Car Centric they would’ve died on the vine.

Cars are fun to model. BUT, not everyone is a racing of any type, fan! Box stock or Factory Stock was not what Scale Auto was about. The Galleries though, carried a plethora of all types. Yes! The Mag did carry some nice articles about many types of cars. Oh, and the Great Kit Reviews!

Still, in this day and age it wasn’t enough! Not S.A.M.s fault though. You have to carry a readership. Which requires advertisers lining up to be included .This has fizzled off for quite some time. Again NOT S.A.M.s fault! The market here in the Good Old U.S of A. has changed. The market is and has changed dramatically. I don’t see kids lined up buying model cars of any type that often. It’s mostly Parents or Grand-parents.

Think about it. How many middle aged Model car builders would be interested in articles about Negative Cambered Drifters. Not many that I know. Trucks ( Big Rigs ) were hot for quite some time. Now that is a tight little niche all on it’s own. So there you have my reasons as to S.A.M.s demise. Yes! as a Loooong time subscriber I will miss them. How am I going to get articles about Foose or other guys now? Before him Boyd Coddington! See, even my likes are showing, Factory Stock , or Full Custom Drivers. No Trailer Queens please!

P.S. In that regard I have NEVER been to a car race in my life! Not that interested!

The decline in member participation at SA can be attributed to the management of the forum. Jim Haught was very narrow minded and opinionated. If anyone disagreed with him they were either suspended or eventually banned. It was his way or the highway, and ultimately it cost them not only forum members but more importantly paying subscribers. Jim forbid the posting of NASCAR models if the sponsor was alcohol related (beer companies). There were no exceptions, post a picture of the Budweiser Chevy, regardless of how well the model was built or by whom, and you were serving time in his dog house. Jim was very short tempered at times, and had no problem swinging the ban hammer.

Robby De Graff didn’t do much to improve the member experience either. Granted, he eased up on the posting restrictions, but he never spent enough time on the forum to fully embrace the passion that automotive modelers share. He might have been a car guy, but he wasn’t a modeler so he didn’t understand the subject. Robby was more concerned with interacting and engaging with members on social media. If it were up to him the forum would have been shut down. There was a period of time when the forum was getting spammed daily. Robby got many offers from members to be moderators but he never bit. He would remove the spam posts but not the spammers. Following day the same thing, more spam. Eventually he made one of the members a mod but it was with limited powers. Unfortunately Tim Kidwell came along too late in the game in order to save things. I will always wonder if things could have been different if Tim was at the controls instead of Robby.

Sorry for the long rant, I guess I needed to get this off my chest.