A finished F-15C (w/ photos)

Here are 3 photo’s of the Monogram 1/48 F-15C my 21 y/o Autistic son just compleated. He picked it out and bought it with his B-day money.

He had a little help from me in the following ares only:

  1. I weighted the nose cone with BB’s and zap-a-gap to allow it to stand on it’s gear.

  2. I glued together the main body.

  3. I airbrushed the entire exterior.

He did all the hand painting, fuel tank & weapons (glueing and painting) and all the decals. He did have the landing gear the proper white till I did the exterior airbrushing.

While far from Pix’s standards he sure enjoyed building it, and was very happy when I took the photo’s. And he put it on display on the entertainment center. In the last photo he is holding the plane himself.


Sweet! Looks like a job well done from here.

I always like seeing the parent/child builds. You should both be proud! What do you two have lined up next?

Very nice work, I bet he is proud. [:)]

While I can’t speak directly for Pix, I’d bet that he would say the most important thing was enjoyment…did you enjoy the time spent with your son? If you did, then NOTHING else matters. Pix has hit the nail right on the head…“build what you like, like what you build…” sorry if I’m “plagerizing” Pix, but that phrase is so true. If you don’t enjoy it, the best ever contest winner doesn’t mean squat. My 4 and 2 year-olds have a couple of 1/72 props that I painted pink and lavender for them, and that time spent was priceless.

I have a multiple-handicapped son, he’s 17, and he lacks the hand/eye coordination, and fine motor skills, to do anything close to what your son did with the F-15. However, Alex has a mind like a steel trap, and he knows the lyrics to a lot of songs, a conservative estimate would be over 400. No joke, whenever we listen to the radio, he sings along with 80% of what’s being played. Alex does fall under an “autism spectrum”, or whatever they are calling it now. He doesn’t officially have a diagnosis. But, he’s Alex, and we learn more from him than we ever could have imagined.

Congratulations on a great build!


Sensational friend! By Bernardes

Looks real good. Were those the markings for LC Jere Wallace?

That’s awesome, Looks real good. Be proud.

tim tell your son well done. it looks great.


it looks like an excellent build to me! Good work.


I think it looks great. What a great activity to do together. I hope your son enjoyed the time and activity.


Well done he should be proud it’s a fine build.

Beautiful work! I’m looking forward to pics of any future projects!

[tup] [tup] [tup]

All you parents out there raising a phycial or mentally impared child have my utmost respect and admiration. I was blessed to have two healthy children who have grown to adulthood. I had a cousin who had cerebral palsy and I remember his joy when I built him a 1/32 P-51B years ago.

Great job on the F-15, great memories of time well spent for the future.

One minor thing, it’s actually an F-15C. E is the two seater.

Thanks, I spent to much time in the Navy. Modern Airforce birds are “all greek to me”. Now WW2 birds are another story.

Therriman: hey, too bad the Air Force isn’t using F-14’s…OK, OK, just a daydream.

Thanks for your service to our country!


No sweat! Actually almost didn’t bring it up. Just a “little aligator”! Thanks for sharing your “build” with your son with all of us. Makes ours seem “selfish”.

Great build. Looking forward to the next project.

Nice build!! Congrats to both of you[^]