A few F4U scheme questions

What is the small group of dark spots on Blackburn’s VF-17 #1 a/c near the left code number? I see them all the time, but I have no idea what they are.[%-)] ? Also, I’m looking for a scheme for my tamiya 1:48 F4U-1A. I’m thinking about a few: Kepford’s #29 from VF-17, the a/c on the cover of squadron/signal’s “F4U Corsair in action” coded 252, or the a/c flown by Lt. Jg. Tom Killifer, coded “white 5”. I have a problem though: I don’t have decals for any of these versions. If anyone has decals of a white 2 and 9 (2 each) that is about 3/4" high, or a white 5 (same size, 2each), or 6 white 2s or 5s (about 3/8" high), or can reccomend me to some, that’d be great![:D] post here or send me an email if you can help me out.

Several choices. Go to the Squadron and/or Great Models web sites and search decals or F4U and see what is offered. Or you can go to an art supply store, and look for rub on numbers in the size and style you want. Third option is to get frisket paper from the art supply store, draw the markings you want on the paper and cut them out. Stick the paper to the model and spray the markings color over the cut outs. Not sure what spots you are talking about.

The spots you see look like re-painted areas to me. There isn’t anything there on a corsair that might explain them. As for decals look for Sky model decals at your hobby shop or on line. their corsair sheet has the markings you are looking for plus about twenty others in his unit. The one I have will make most of the corsairs I wish to model (sorry, the same one is on my list too!). They are a real bargain at about $12 a sheet that is totally loaded with markings. Flightdecs ( a decal superstore) has a pic of the sheet and instructions on their website. The sheet #48-042 looks to be instock, or check with your local hobby shop to get them in for you. Hope this helps.[;)]

Jaypack - according to a semi-historical book I read about VF-17, Blackburn’s plane was hit several times by fire from one of his own men, during wild dogfight in and out of clouds. The culprit fired through obscured vision, and was soon terrified that he’d downed his C.O. Fortunately the shots hit unoccupied space. Those appear to be the resulting patches, assuming the story is true.



I read your post that said your are going to do Kepford’s a/c. Besides the national insignia with the blue surround, I have a sideview drawing showing him with 15 kills, and the red surround on the national insignia and tricolor scheme. I have considered doing the Otaki kit in this finish. If I ever get around to the kit.

This is true story, in the Book “Corsair Aces of WW2” is picture of his plane in color and writes up how he got the bullet holes. Gumiflex