A couple of Sherman Questions

I am not a Sherman expert and have not come across the answers in my research to these questions

  1. Was the Sherman V (M4A4) ever fitted with a Dozer blade?

  2. Did the Israelis/Egyptians ever use the Sherman V (M4A4)? I now the Egyptians used a re-engined Sherman V (M4A4) with the AMX 13/75 turret but did they use the basic model?

Has anyone got any good reference sites for the above?

Thanks in advance!

as far as i know the isrealis used the m50 isherman (and varients) type isreali m60 tanks in google and a site devoted to the isdf should come up info about there shermans are on that site

The M1 Dozer was able to be fit on any VVS vehicle including the Sherman V. I have a very interesting color photo of US Coastguardsmen on a beach near a SHerman V, on loan to a US unit. Pretty cool.


Try this link http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/vehicles/tanks/sherman/M-4.html

It should give you a start.



thats the link![banghead]