A-4 Skyhawk Refs

Did Squadron Signal ever publish a book on the A-4 Skyhawk? I wouldn’t mind having an “A-4 in Action” or “Walk Around” book. Thanks!

Devil Dog,

Steve Ginter has a series of books out called Naval Fighters. I have numbers 50 & 55, which are “USMC/USMCR/USNR Douglas A-4A/B Skyhawk” & “McDonnell-Douglas A-4M Skyhawk” respectively. They are THE best books on the Skyhawks that I’ve seen. I’m sure that he has books for all versions out there; I just haven’t seen them. As far as Detail & Scale and Squadron, I have no idea. You would think that one of them would have something on the Skyhawk. Good Luck!!

Thanks for the gouge! I have the Detail and Scale book; it’s really good but I’m looking for more info on USMC Skyhawks. I’ll run down the Ginter Series. Thanks again![:)]

Semper Fi!

Squadron’s A-4 in action was one of their first books, late 60s early 70s, and if you can find it usually commands collectors prices. Suprisingly they’ve never reprinted it or reissued a new one. There was an A-4 Detail and Scale, which is excellent, that may be out of print. And there is the excellent Ginter books as well.

Does the Ginter book on the A-4M have good information (including Walkaround and color photos) on the Israeli A-4N as well?


Check out www.skyhawk.org…may be helpful

Thanks…but does it have information on the Ginter book? I’d like to know more about the info the book has on the N version before I decide to purchase it…or not.

I have all of the references mentioned above, and a few not mentioned. There is very little about the Isreali N model Skyhawk in them. I have not seen any publication that provides photgraphic details of the IAF Skyhawks. Try e-mailing the IAF and/or do a Google search re the IAF Skyhawks. I know I saw a number of photos on the web of IAF Skyhawks, but I did not save the address as this is not an area of interest to me. There are many Skyhawk web sites and I know some of them have pictures of the IAF “N” model. As for detailed pictures, that is another matter.

Thanks for the information; I really appreciate it!

Although you’re not a big fan of Israeli Skyhawks, there is a publication devoted exclusively to them and that’s supposed to provide photographic details as well; here’s the direct link: http://www.isradecal.com/iafb_3.html

As you can see, the book is about double the price of the Ginter Book on the A-4M, which is why I wanted to know more information about the Ginter Book.

Thanks again!