A-20 Havoc insignia help

Hi there i am modeling an early A-20G, the one with the cannons in the nose, i have painted the model in olive drab over natural grey (without cammo), i think the insignia in this model should be only the star but im not sure, any help? and if so, what would the measurements be? would be correct if i apply the “operation torch” insignias?

Thanks in advance

The A-20G was delivered too late for Operation Torch, though some may have been in operation near the end of the North African campaign. According to this, the first ones were delivered in February 1943: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_DB-7#A-20G_.26_A-20H

It would have taken a few months for the first aircraft to be delivered to operational squadrons. By that time, the military was adopting the star and bar. The red surround was only in use from late June 1943 to August 1943.

From what I can tell, no A-20Gs took part in the Med until after the invasion of Sicily. In 1943, the 9th AF was building up three A-20 groups in England and were equipping them with A-20Gs and Hs. That effort would probably have soaked up most of the supply of new bombers.

I checked my 12th AF book written by Ken Rust. The only A-20 bomber group in the Med was the 47th BG. They went into action with A-20Bs and at least one photo from the book showed them still operating Bs during the Sicily invasion.


Thank you Bill, so from what i understand would be correct if i put the star and bars or only the star, one more thing where can i look for the measurements of the insignias? i saw a page where it says the dates from wich every insignia was used but cant find it, any help would be appreciated, Thanks a lot fella!


I’m not sure about the measurements of the insignias, but virtually all A-20Gs would have the star and bar.

Is this the website you were looking for? http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/research/insignia.htm


Hey thanks Bill, that was what i was looking for, i will shou the pics soon, thanks a lot fella!


Actually, the Gs all had four prominent weapons in the nose - the majority of the cannon armed Gs went to the Russians under lend lease, while the USAAF prefered to install 50 cals in that location. When the glass nose was added it became a K.

Yes, i know that but i want to model an early G but with the top turret, like the one that appears on the cover of the squadron book, didnt know what the insignia was like so i saw pics of the 90th BS that had the star and bars so i went ahead and placed the star and bars on mine, you will see the finished product soon, thanks for your help.
