A-10 Warthog instructions

Does anyone have a copy of the revellmonagram 1/48 scale A-10 that you could send to me by e-mail it would be a great help.


To some people its not a waste, they actually like those cars. I personally prefer the muscle cars but there those would rather have a Civic. For the company its all about $$$.

If it keeps you up at night all I can say is…enjoy your childhood now because it will end.

I know to the company its all about money.

If people will buy the models, companies will make them. It’s as simple as that.

Those nissan microblob kits are perfect for BIGFOOT dioramas hehehe…Gregers

Good point Gregers, don’t want to crush an F-85.

Simple. I was out with the Grandmunsters a few weeks ago. In the model section at Toys R Us was a Chevy S-10 Pickup. My Granddaughter comment that it was just like the truck that Uncle Daryl has. She bought it so she could build it and give it to her uncle. Not every one is into muscle cars, just as everyone is not into tanks, space ships, or aircraft.

I actually own one of those rice rockets as i call them. Not a model but an actual car. Am I going to buy a model of it, no. However I have heard people talk about them before.

Civics and tuner cars are just the fad of the day. Personally, I’m a Ford guy and wouldn’t give them the time of the day. However, they too will fade away like beanie babies.

If you ask me, I think they are wasting plastic building ANYTHING civilian. Who wants to see model cars? Drive down the road and see REAL ones!
Who wants civilian airplanes? Visit an airport!
If it isn’t military, it ain’t worth it, in my eye.

Well…it is kind of hard to see a lot of the old muscle cars here in the “rust belt”. I would like to see more of them on the road…there just aren’t that many that run around this part of the country except on nice summer days.

I, too, like the military stuff, but I also like old muscle cars and European sports cars (and almost any car). I own a '92 Eagle Talon (as well as an '87YJ Wrangler) and would like to build a model that looks like what I drive. My $.02.


You hit the nail on the head. Alot of people want to model cars of things that they drive, not just cars that are, for most of us, inaccessible. I know a gentleman that has a model of every car that he’s ever owned, including VW Beetles, Vegas, Jeeps, even a station wagon. He just wanted to have a miniature of what was in his driveway.

Modelling is a selective market, and there has always been a large demand for “niche” subject material. Besides, sometimes it’s fun just to convert a monster VW Bus.


sorry i changed the forum

You really shouldn’t do that.

I opened up the topic, getting ready to move it to the Aircraft forum and the thread was a completely different subject.

Next time, please start a new topic and don’t change the original. It gets really confusing as to what’s going on. The purpose of the edit feature is to make edits and small minor changes, not entire subject changes.