I put a Tamiya Famo On my christmas wish list,If I get it,I would really like to mount an 88 on it.Does anyone know What company,if any, makes a conversion for it ? I found a crane by Calibre 35.Does anyone ele make one ? Thanks,any help will be really be appreciative.Thanks,rudedog
check out Mission models for a kit - I have seen one for the cab.
Since the conversion was fairly straightforwad, why not buy one of the nice new 88 kits and scratchbuild the rest.
i love the smell of styrene in the morning
Thanks Saransk.Judging by the prices of the Bilstein crane conversins,I think that woud be more economical.There’s a book on Famo’s by “nuts & bolts” that should give me the referances needed to scratch it with Dragons new kit.Thanks for getting my grey matter working again !!! rudedog & Merry Christmas to all.
Sounds like a fun project. Can’t wait to see what you do with this.
The FAMO with Bilstein crane is also made by www.tigermodels.com. It’s much more accurate than the Cal35 one.
PSP of France makes the 8.8cm Flak conversion for the FAMO. Tigermodels was planning to release a more accurate one but there have been glitches in its debut due to the new Flak 18 and Flak 36 kits out there.
Thanks T26,I’m having trouble finding a distributor for PSP you mentioned.Any I deas ? Rudedog
the only online site I know of is
They are part owners of PSP, I believe.
blast-models of France used to carry their line. I think Mission Models in the USA did as well.