Does anyone make this in a kit or even a diecast for that matter. I had a 1:1 but gave it to my son. Now I’d like to build one.
Dave -
WOW, that brings back memories. Don’t recall a kit for it, but there was a '75 Charger out, and they were pretty similar, IIRC.
Archer out.
See mine and other’s posts on the subject “Why No 77 Chev Impalla” for some comments. I personally think that the late 1970’s are under-represented in the Auto Modeling world. What is the matter with the cars from that era?? I have no idea, but as I said the other question, I have some fond memories of cars from the middle 1970’s to the end of the decade.
Maybe we could get a ‘revolt’ of sorts going here … What do you think??
Rob Savage
Hey rob -
Just a guess. After 1971, the whole musle car craz really died out. High(er) gas prices and emission control standards (no lead gas), didn’t bode well with the heavy breathers. After that Detroit started replacing real Hi-Performace engines with decal / body trim packages. Even “sports” cars took on a more refined look. GM tried to keep it alive the the Firebird and Camaro series, but those to where more window dressing. As for Mopar (my favorite), 1974 was the last year of the real Chargers, some say it was 69/70, but I like the 71 body style. The 75 Charger did not resemble the 74 at all, yuck.
My .02.
Archer out.
I agree … I remember that the cars that came out were all flash and no go. I had two Dusters, both 1975’s. One had a transpant 340 and one was a six-banger. I thought that they both looked good, as they still had the “fueslage effect” styling that came with the 1970 Charger/Challenger. At that time, a friend of mine had a 1968 Charger for a ride. All these cars had one really bad spot though, over the front wheels, the front quarters just seemed to rust out on a daily basis. I had to replace them on both cars, at least once every second year. Remember, at that time, here in London Ont., they used pure salt/sand mixture (70/30 ~ I think) and the salt was mined in Goderich Ont, from under the lake. It was and still is, VERY CORRSIVE to any car.
Yes I think that people have such poor memories of cars (Remeber the "sporty VEGA??? ~ Mine was a 1974 Red/red interior sport package(!)) as the Big Three passed mostly crap as cars. But some were better than others, your 77 Cordoba was one (I passed on a chance to buy one though - too rusty) and Chevy and Ford had winners too. I like to see these in plastic, as I still have great memories from those years.
Rob Savage