67 Firebird?

Does anyone know of a kit of this car? My mom has 2 of these beauties and I would like to build her a scale model for a gift.

I’ve built this 68 Ram 400 which is pretty darn close. I don’t recall seeing a 67 version before.

Hey thanks. Thats the car! Well, the difference is the wing windows on the 67 and not on the 68. She has the 400HO in both of them. The bad part is… they have both been sitting under car covers in the shop for i’d say… hmmm…15years? They have been in our family for well over 25 years. Beautiful cars. I dig em!

My neighbor has a 68 ragtop, and I had a 68 when I was younger. The Camaro is more famous but I really like the look of the grill on the Firebird.

Time to dig those relics out of the cobwebs and do a little 1:1 work, I’d say!

Haha… i’d love to. My mom refuses to sell me one. Believe me, I’ve tried.

I owned a 68 that i put togeather from a couple of diffrent cars 400 front clip and a 350 engine and i traded it for a 69 nova boy i wish i still had that car[banghead]

Which one? The 'Bird or the Nova? I feel the same way about the 67 Cuda I stupidly sold.

The 68 Firebird there was a guy that was down the street from my dads body shop that had an acere lot with nothing but cameros and firebirds thats where i bought the rolling chassis and then bought the front clip and then the motor and trans all together i paid about 600 Bucks for the hole thing man that was my first car i bought myself i was 16 at that time.