Now THAT is a nice collection! I bet that P4 would look nice, all done up. Another neat Ferrari kit was the old Heller 512. They also made a decent Porsche 917. What about the Aurora Porsche 904? DON’T MAKE ME GET MY CAMERA OUT…
Hey! How come your Lola is white?? Mine is molded in that Mecom-Blue plastic!
Another interesting kit to find might be the old MPC Howmet Turbine car. Remember when they ran a pair of them at the Glen a couple of years ago, Rick?
My Lola is white because IMC, knowing I dislike colored plastic, specially moulded it for me.
I wish the Aurora 904 would be released as a “reissue” from Revellogram assuming they got the tool. It m,ay be one of the tools allegedly destroyed in the the fabled “Train wreck on the way from West Hempsted”.[?]
Even the old Monogram static versions of the slot car bodies would be good. Could build some nice curbsides with them, Chapparal, Huesian, the Cooper, etc. The Cox bodies would be nice too, the Lotus 30, the Chapparals and the rest.
Per one of my recent posts, I had come across my IMC GT-40 Mk. IV. Seeing your photos has given me the urge to go out into the garage and see if I can find the rest of my IMC kit stash. Bought 'em at a small mom & pop hobby shop around 20 years ago. Other then the GT-40 Mk. IV that I found, can’t remember which others I have. Would not mind seeing the Monogram Chaparral 2D re-issued.
That is a nice collection Mark . I’m doing a collection of the 60-70 Le Mans cars in 1/24 starting with the 250 SWB (yes I know that was pre 60’s but the 250GTO was a direct descendent and the story is not complete without it).
I am looking for that Gunze Cobra Daytona! Don’t suppose you would part with it? Or anyone else who has one for that matter.
Very nice. I just finished a ‘low-tech’ Gunze Ferrari 250 GTO. I have one of the Fujimi GT40s on my shelf that seems to be calling my name. I’ve developed a relatively new ‘interest’ in these cars. I’m not familiar with the IMC kit? It looks like it has an engine in the kit? Can you tell me more? I’d like to get a GT40 with engine details.
MKISH- The IMC GT40 series (MK I, MK II and MK I “Gulf” car) all have engines and full detail. That said, much of the scale and detail is compromised to allow working feature. The engines are slightly underscale, the transaxles are poor and the suspension is oversize on diameter to allow turning wheels, etc. They are a pretty decent kit and taking the original 1964 release date into account not bad at all. They just are not Fujimi scale fidelity! There are some fit issues with the windshield and other clear parts. They have been re-released by AMT (MK II) Testors (MK II and MK IV) Union (MK II) and who know who else!
Crasher- Yes, I might let the Daytona go…Make me a Vito Corleone offer!
Rick - fine with me - but better if we did this ‘off forum’ I think.
please contact me on and we can thrash it out then.
I got lucky on ebay and found the Gunze 250GTO with engine - up to that point I didn’t even know that not all the kits have this detail. It makes up very nicely but the engine is a bit of a tight fit. If you are not precisely 22mm from the mountings to the top of the ram pipes the hood won’t shut at all !!!
I’m presently just finishing the Italeri 250SWB in the dark blue with white nose stripe of the Rob Walker car that Moss won the 1961 Goodwood TT in. Have had to convert to right hand drive which was fun in a masochistic sort of way. Just got some nice PE wheels for it from Icaro (made by MG Models) and now have to convert the way they fit because they have built in stub-axles instead of holes in the middle as in the kit. These things come to try us - as they say.
Whilst on the subject - the next project will be the Academy 250LM and I am looking for engine/trans
detail for it. Anyone any ideas about that??? I thought the metal Revell may be OK as a donor but haven’t seen that kit. Is it any good?
The Academy 250 LM is a decent kit, the body is OK, but man, to open it up and add an engine? You have WAY more enthusiaism and skill than I do. Even the P4 kit I have keeps saying…“start me and you won’t live to finish me…” But then most of my stuff says that! (see my “Workbench queens” thread)
You might be able to use the Replicas and Minatures of Maryland 250 engine in the LM. I was gonna do mine in the Ecurie Francorchamps yellow livery…just something different!
I want the kit that Hobby Link Japan sells, the $500. plus hi-tech resin/metal/photoetch “I could never do it justice” 250 LM…
Yeah Rick - may have the enthusiasm - as for the other ???
I have noticed that Fujimi has a whole slew of 1/24th kits of the Ford GT-40 ( probably same 2 or 3 kits with different markings ). I am basically a straight outta box (SOB) WW2 airplane modeler and am perfectly happy with “curbside” car models. Are the Fujimi kits pretty decent out of the box ? Since Fujimi saw fit to do the GT-40, wonder if they will ever do any of the other classic GT’s from the 60’s.
RE: Fujimi Ford GT 40s…
Yes, the Fujimi GT40 kits are nice!. They are all curbsides and there are basically three versions:
1. MK II- they have released several versions, all are identical save for decals. They replicate the Daytona and LeMans cars of Shelby American and Holman-Moody. In reality there are difference between these cars, not all would have the “Gurney bubble” (bulge on roof to accomadate the taller than most Dan Gurney) as well as other detail. These issues can addressed and you can build a very nice replica. FSM featured an article by Greg Kolassa a few years ago where he did all the versions.ghese also include a fret of phootoetched parts to do the rear grill, hood pins and other small items. These were also sold by Revell, FITTER and I found them a few years back at Big Lots for $3.00 a kit…I think he bought 12…
2. MK I They have released several versions of this kit. Basically these are 1965-66 production level GT40s. The kit shares some mouldings with the “Gulf” cars (see next comments) but again is a great basis. These are not readily imported to the USA, I got mine form Hong Kong. The kit includes many parts that er common to the MK I street and competition cars. Yes, they did build “street” cars, basically MK Is with more interior trim and cooling fans. The body as supplied by Fujimi is quite nice however the lower sill have the rear “flares” that are on the Gulf cars. These can be sanded down to correct the shape. The kits are available with either the wire wheels used on street and early competition cars or the Halibrand type wheels used on the later 65 and 66 comp cars. The wires Fujimi supplies are OK but I replaced mine with some 3 piece wires from the old Fujimi enthusiasts Series Ferrari Daytona

They have corretly done the differing type of exterior door handles between the Gulf, MK I and MK II cars however the roof vents on the MK I are done with a filler piece to cover the Gulf type vent and a decal. The MK II has the correct “multi” vents moulded in. The tires included are too wide on the rear but can be fixed (see my “Slicin’ and Dicen’ tires” thread)
3.“Gulf” cars So called because Gulf Oil sponsored and fielded a team in the GT class in 1968 and 69. These are the light blue and orange cars seen in many pictures. This lead to GT40 chassis number P1075 winning LeMans two years in row! I do not yet have one of the Gulf kits but the MK I kit inclused several of the pieces used on the Gulf car and they look good. A nice photoetch set is available from Studio 27, much of which can be used on the MK I kits.
All in all a lot of building potential.
I seem to remember on the Model page of Classic Car magazine a small piece saying that Fujimi had released a GT40 kit with full engine detail. There was a phone number of stockist here in UK and I have been meaning to give them a bell but never got around to it. I have never heard of these kits since so am wondering if Classic Car has their story right. I have a huge stack of the mags for reference purposes but will look it up and find out what the correct story is.
Re my last post - here’s the full story. The mag was Classic and Sportscar Sept 2002 - and they say…
‘Fujimi has expanded its 1/24 series of GT40 plastic kits with two MKIIs…,it has full engine detail and decal set and costs … available from …’’
I have just phoned the supplier and before everyone gets too excited they have got it WRONG !
Thought it too good to be true the kits are the same as the ones we are all familiar with.
Sorry if I got anyones hopes up.
Since I don’t mind doing “curbsides”, all is forgiven.
I was hoping for a detailed engine kit…
Thanks for the fantasy…
Yeah - so was I - I’m disappointed but not surprised.
In 1/24 you can always go for the Le Mans Miniature version with full detail.
Bit pricey but lovely made up - saw one at last years IPMS expo