i am building a m-113 and want to put spent shells laying on the hull. any ideas on making the shells?
I once used fine brass rods and cut them down with a sprue cutter.then I laid them all over the deck of a p.b.r.model I had made. It looked o.k. but if I had to do it over again I would have taken more time making them.I thought their was some available after market but I am not sure…Good luck…
I use streched spur cut in small pieces and painted gold. I used them all over the bed of a Viet-Nam gun truck that I built.
thanks, i was thining about the spure idea[;)]
A lot of models I’ve seen use bright, polished looking brass paint to represent fired shell cases. They are not terribly bright as they come from the factory, and firing darkens them a bit. If they’ve been lying around a couple of weeks, they will be a dark brownish color. Also, some ammo uses steel cases which are lacquered to prevent rust. These are brown to start with, and rust fairly quickly after firing. Fired cases are somewhat soft, and will often be crushed or bent or dented if they’ve been stepped on by soldiers or run over by vehicles. If you use a brass or gold paint to simulate the case color, I’d recommend you dull it a bit with a tan or brown wash or overspray.