Looking for plastic kit of 1974 Nova. Are there any current productions/releases?
Eastern or Western Front[:D]? Just kidding, this is an Armor Forum, you might have better luck in the Autos Forum.
Hey, the 1974 Chevy Nova is still a frontline armored vehicle in some countries!
on a serious note I think AMT might still make a kit.
Bunch of wise guys!!
Yes, AMT and Revell made a 74 Nova. They are out of production, so the best place I can recommend to find one is e-bay! Go to Toys & Hobies, models, then click BOTH fields under the description and you’ll be amazed at how much is out there.
Good luck!
Hey, anybody who’s ever driven a Nova knows that asking about it in an Armor Vehicle Forum makes perfect sense.
I saw a re-box of the old “Old Glory” kit at my local Hobby Lobby just a few weeks ago.
Good Luck
Chop the top, put a 37mm AA gun…BAMM!!! Monrovia taxi…
Didn’t the Iraquis try this one as well, I know they used Datsun pickups
when this post first poped up, i was wondering why i had never heard of this tank, lol.
The Iraqies used anything with four wheel for technical harrassment. One good LAW takes care of that.
The Nova I had definetly drove like a tank, especially in those late late years when the bottom rusted out and the shocks came up through the truck. I knew every bump in the road. Couldn’t kill it, like an old Camaro.
As far as armor, I could definetly see a sdfkz 250/9 conversion kit fitting quite well