Currently i am working on bulding Mike Durrant’s Blackhawk in 1/35th scale. Is there any reference material around i can use for the artwork he used on his helicopter. Does anyone know what artwork he used[?]
yeap, I did his chopper a year ago also in 1/35 scale… go to this site and you’ll find a couple of pictures of his “Velvet Elvis” on the side of the hawk: (hopefully this time is spelled properly)
APACHE, I’m doing Durant’s and Wolcott’s birds in 1/48th scale. This site:
has some good pics on it and the crew chief of either Durant’s or Wolcott’s chopper, Ray Dowdy, posts on there every once in a while. He was able to help me with the aircraft markings. Hope this helps.
Semper Fi
Hi. "Velvet Elvis was on Super 6-1: Wolcott’s bird, i believe. He was known as “Elvis”. I have scoured the BHD93 site and not found any good pics of 6-4 (Durant) except for the one of the tail of his chopper a few days after the incident. They blew it up. Just the tail is there. I’ve read Bowden’s Book 7 times. The last time I highlighted all info pertaining to scenery, personnel positioning, etc. in preparation for my 3x8 foot diorama. Wolcott’s bird als had a “Sitting Bull” on the right side for Bull Briley. Very interesting topic. My diorama will include both Downed birds, the CSAR bird, 1 AH-6, 1 MH-6 (on the target house, six Humvees and three flatbed trucks. Plus about 50 figures. I’d love to trade info on this subject. Sincerely, Cmdcntr
I’ll have to look up Ray Dowdy in Bowden’s book. I forget who he was with, but Durant was the only survivor from his crew. Bill Cleveland, Tommy Fields, Ray Frank, and Durant. I emailed Mark Bowden a while ago at the Philly enquirer. He actually wrote back two days later. I was trying to picture 6-4’s crash scene based on what Durant told Bowden. But the first said there was a wall that went back behind the bird, then said there was an opening of about 15 ft. He said he couldn’t add to much more, but that he would forward my email to Mike Durant (who, by the way, did not write back). I considered contacting him directly, but figured he might not want to talk about it.
You gotta be careful with Bowden’s book. There are some “discrepancies”. For ex. He says Wilkinson etc landed from the CSAR bird and headed west into an alley, but the maps in the book have the. heading east. The whole scene is somewhat turned around from the maps. That BHD93 site has something like 450 photos. There’are a few closeups of Wolcott’s and Durant’s crash sites, the Olympic Hotel, The target house, etc.
Yea, I talked to a few of the Rangers that were on the ground, Raleigh Cash and Clay Othic. They may be able to help you out. Cash’s website is:
There are some pics on there that may help out.
Semper Fi
Hey guys I apologize, for some reason I got confused confused Durant’s name with Wolcotts…
sorry about that one