1/48 Tiger done

Some of you may remember about a month ago I got a half done and painted Tiger from my dad so if you have anything to say about the camo its not mine, since he got mad at it and gave it to me. Today I got it done apart from fighting the tracks the build went pretty easy.

front http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1227.jpg side http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1228.jpg back http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1229.jpg other side http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1230.jpg top http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1231.jpg

I also used Tamiya’s weathering set on the tracks and parts of the tank and liked how they turned out. Fun kit to work on may have to try more 1/48 armor.

Very good , Amphibian Person! It was well worth any minute frustrations you may have endured. I’m guessing your father is now a bit sheepish about the whole episode.

Extremely neat build. I would suggest a little dark wash on those tow and track cables to get a little more realism. Nice job.


Thanks both of you. 28juni14 yeah you hit the nail on the head my dad says it only looks good because of his camo [:P] crockett I am thinking the same thing with the tow cables maybe I will go do that now.

Looks great Frofoot. Very nice build.

Regards, Rick

Good looking Tiger. Nice camo scheme. I agree on the tow cables needing a wash.

Very clean tiger! Very nice! Are you going to get it “dirty”? Good job.

Thanks again every one! I gave the tow cables a wash earlier today here is how the turned out http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1241.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_1240.jpg they do look alot better now.

13b20 I am not going to get it dirty since I am new at this scale and dont want to over do it on my first try, maybe the next 1/48 build I might get dirty. Or if I buy another Tiger to build and play with the weathering. Plus I was going for a newer looking Tiger.

Very nice work Frogman.

I love the camoflage scheme.

Nice work frogfoot. Am I seeing things, or are there japanese decals on her?

Thanks again every one. rebelreenactor theres a story to those markings, found out in the Modelers Guide to the Tiger Tank. The tank is known as the Lucky Tiger some times because the Chinese symbol thats the Japanese looking thing. The source of the symbol was said to have been a ring worn by the Tigers commander and positioned upside down so the luck does not run out.

Very clean and tidy build. Looks great. Only comment, as said above, is that those cables and other metal parts really need to be toned down a bit.

Looks like it is turning out just fine!
Don’t let the fact that you think you’re “not used to the scale” stop you from trying something new on it. Go ahead and give weathering a go!

Sharp build. I’m going to have to try 1/48 some time.