This is a Tamiya 1/48 Tiger 1 that I am working on got it for free , my dad got mad at the tracks links and gave up on it and gave it to me[:)] It was already painted in the camo which needs some touch up and weathering, markings are for Kursk I think. Only got one side of the tracks done gave me a bit of a work out first armor kit I have built for over a year been building Gundam kits most of the time. I am also going to open up one of the hatchs and stick one of my German ground crew figures in a hatch once I do some changing to him to look like a commander.
Nice progress, so far it looks great!
I’m currently building the same kit right now and yes the track links are a real pain.
Looks pretty nice so far. What was wrong with the tracks? I’ve only heard good things about the Tamiya 1/48 armour range…
I don’t think it was the track, I think it was “the dad”[B)][:)]
This little Kitty looks darn good, even though your pic is a little blurry, good work!
Thanks, crockett you are right it was my dad dont tell him I said that[;)] Better pic later on once I get the other side of the tracks done.
hmm…I guess it’s just me and your dad that are having issues with the track links in this kit[:D][;)]. Also BTW this is my first time assembling track links, that pretty much explains it all LOL . After finishing this kit, I think I’ll just stick w/ aircraft instead[;)].