1:48 Tamiya F-16CJ Block 50 (Finished)

Hey guys! Just finished up my second build few minutes ago! Been working on this one off and on for quite some time now, but didn’t do much to it over the summer as it was pretty hot and humid most of the time, and didn’t want to risk that affecting my paint on it. Worked on some other stuff while I let the high humidity and temps pass. Learned a lot on this build though! Especially happy since I finally just a few days ago got the courage to try gloss and matte clear coats again. First time kinda put me off from them, but knew it was something I had to get the hang of eventually. Was just worried about ruinng my work right at the end. There’s a few errors here and there, things I wish I had done differently, and I wish I had the courage to try sanding off and polishing the seam line in the canopy before I attached it. Much like the clear coats, Im feeling kinda stupid for worrying about that now as well since I’ve been practicing on some other stuff. lol. Oh well, always the next build… Still pretty happy with the way it came out for a second build as well, and will display her proudly either way!

Oh, and just realized as I was taking pics, I forgot to add the little decal with their names on the front landing gear bay door. Will add that and then call her done!

Very nicely done Sir! Clean build!

That’s a sharp build! Keep ‘em comin’!

Looks great! Tamiya has the best F-16 for sure!

Very cool. You’ll find that gloss and matte coats will be your friend!

Very well done Mate. I would like to know how you did the painting on the exhaust nozzles inside looks great

Thank you guys! JayJay, for the inside of the exhuast nozzle I sprayed Testors Flat White out of my airbrush, and then did all of the streaking with Tamiya weathering pigments on the end of a makeup applicator. I used the little spongy end, much like the applicator that tamiya provides, but a longer one to reach down into it. I used the “Oil Stain”, Soot", and “Rust” colors of their pigments in there.

I build very few modern jets but I’m doing a F-18 Blue Angels now. I ty for that info and I’,ll try my darndest to replicate tje process you have so kindly given

Very well done.

That really looks great,nice clean paintjob and markings.

So you don’t have a conditioned space to work in,that would be hard ?

Nice job! Ordinance looks good. Did the pilot come with the kit? I really wish more manufacturers included the crew.

Thank you, all! Keav, Yes that pilot figure was included with this kit. It’s not the most amazingly detailed figure by any means, but good enough to throw in there if you aren’t super detailing the jet, IMO.

Tojo, the space I work in is heated, but not air conditioned. I was a glass blower for 12 years before I picked up modeling, and the space I use is my glass workbench. I really enjoy the setup, so I don’t really enjoy working on stuff inside in the AC. I built the bench and venthood pictured here, and have a 3,400CFM fan that vents everything in the room in a few seconds installed above the hood. I much prefer to do any airbrushing or rattle can spraying out here rather that inside anywhere since I have such a good exhuast set up out here. Just straightened up the bench a little bit so I can get a start on this su-34 build today. Just need to straighten up underneath, as well as the rest of the shop that is not pictured now. lol

Looks great! Really like the metal tones on the tailpipe.

Thank you, Don! That was my first go at a jet engine nozzle, as this was only my second build, and the first was the Revell B25J. I’m relatively happy with it myself, but have learned some techniques since I did that that should result in an even more lifelike coloration. I have some Ideas for the nozzles on this su34 that I think will make it look pretty nice. Picked up most of the “hot metal” line of Alclad II the other day to try out on them!