. It’s time for another. I pulled this out of the stash this afternoon, checked that all the parts were there and decided to do this a little more than OOB. The dive flaps have a lot of flash on them and the holes need to be drilled out. I started on one set and got them done. I’ll do the other set tomorrow. Did a quick dry fit of the parts and they look pretty good for an old kit. The decals have yellowed due to age. Im going to try the “tape to the window” trick to see if I can save them. Hope we get more sun. I think I have enough decals in the stash to replace them in case the window trick doesn’t work. Dug out my box of spare PE and there’s quite a bit of it that is usable to enhance the pit (to start with).
Have all the models given to me to repair from the museum finished so I’ll have more time for my own builds until the museum is open again (and there’s a lot more to repair when they do). Haven’t even started on the trucks, tanks and ships.
Real G, funny you should mention the Hellcat. Yesterday, when I was pulling out the SBD, I also pulled out a Fujimi 1/48 Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat to check out. After checking the engine on the Hellcat, I decided to do the SBD first because the engine on the Hellcat would need a lot more work to look good. I have it sitting on the bench to do next.
Got the other set of flaps drilled out this morning and the ejection pin marks sanded off. Working on the cowl now. Loads of flash around the edges and also a slightly raised edge that looks like the molds were further apart than just causing a layer of flash. Trying to get it off without destroying the real fine raised panel lines.
It’s mold wear and tear most likely. Back in 1976 the parts had only a little flash.
Of course my memory may have used brighter than actual colors to paint that picture. I have retutned to kits from the past and found some rather challenging. But the Dauntless was pure joy back then.
Heh-heh, maybe I should get one to build. OOTTB of course.
The one Jim’s building is from first half of the 70s, though-a “white-box” boxing of the kit. I think there was some flash on some parts, occasionally, though nothing too severe.
I built this kit a few years back and then a few DECADES back as a kid. It’s a fairly rough kit but can be built up fairly well. Real G mentioned dive bombing the carpet. I remember that all too well with the first build. lol.
The second time I built it I used alot of parts from the Hasegawa kit to freshen the interior up.
Neat kit. Seeing the box top brought back some great memories. When I was a kid, their was a local drug store that carried a bunch of Monogram kits. And yes, the small, die cast toy I had of the Yamamoto received regular dive bombing from my rendition of this kit.
It’s a toss-up. Should I leave the bomb drop and operating landing gear in or take it out and put the detail in? I’d have to work around the release mechanisms and really couldn’t get much in the pit or wheel wells. The box they use for the pit is very small as a result of it.
I left my operational bomb in…just for old times sake. It’s not accurate but hey, there are some things that are just worth a conversation piece. At the end of my build the bomb didn’t operate anyhow but the release tab was still there. IMO if we wanted to build a more accurate Dauntless then the Accurate Miniatures or Hasegawa kits are the way to go. This one here…this one’s just for fun. Just my two cents Jim.[;)]
I remember building the Dauntless along with the Wildcat in 1958 or 1959. My dad came from his Dental practice and gave them to my brother and I to build. It was my second model, my first airplane. My dad was a crewman on a cruiser and he had lots of pictures of these planes. He remembers his ship packing up men whose planes were damaged in the ocean. We had a good connection to this plane.
It is a fun kit. Working flaps, landing gear, bomb, and propeller. What more could a 9 year old ask for?
At my age (80) some guys would really, really enjoy flying the plane around the house and bombing ships, trains and buildings and those watching would say “He really enjoys that, doesn’t he? As long as it makes him happy”. Well, I guess I would too but I really enjoy adding just a little more to the plane. So, I’ll try to leave the working parts in and still add what I can to it. We’ll see how far I get before I take them out. I love a challenge.
Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in updating my SBD build. I got a bit of work done on the pit and took pics. Downloaded them to my new computer and then couldn’t find them anywhere on here. The wife and I are trying to find where they went before I loose any more. I’m taking pics as I go so when I figure this out I can start posting them.
The bomb release will be there. I’m not sure it will work but I’m trying to keep it along with the other operating features.