1/48 M4 Sherman Finished

Hello all.

Here’s is my 1/48 Sherman built completely OOB. It was a pleasure to build, I’m thinking about building another one in the near future, maybe with sandbag armor in the front or something else. This model will be used as a visual aid to my panelist for my Graduation Project Class on armor design. I also have a 1/48 Tiger I, that I’m currently working on and well be finish sometime soon.

Any comments are welcome.

really nice woo. yea sand bag’s would look good on one. i did a t34 calliope out of a 1/35 tamiya and verlinden kit but it’s been a very long time sence iv’e been able to work no anything we moved after the baby was born[banghead] but i think i even have some pic’s of it in here somewere? i’d like to see that tiger. good luck.

You’re correct about them being fun to build. I got one for 1/2 off at Hobby Lobby over XMas and slapped it together. I used some putty here and there and filled the sponsons. Ready for paint in two days! I’m fired up.

One thing I noticed about your build: the strip of bolts that attaches to the top of the transmission cover – it should be the same angle as the cover and the glacis armor above it. Yours looks like it’s glued on horizontally. Here’s a picture of the real thing mounted on a cast-hull M4A1:


Your finish and weathering are very nice, BTW!


Looks good, I have the same kit waiting to be built. I think I’m going to add a hedge cutter on mine. Like you I also have the Tiger and would be interested in seeing your build on that one. I just finished the Stug III Ausf B, and that was a really fun kit.

The only comment I have is that I noticed some silvering of the decals, everything else looks good.

Very nice build. I’ve got one about 1/2 complete.

Regards, Rick

Great job! It looks great!

Turned out nice. I really like the “dusty” look.

Thank you vonryan, T26E4, waikong, rjkplasticmod, Anthony14 and matthew9 for your comments and suggestions. Now when I start my second Sherman (not now,sometime later) I can improved it more and make the corrections so it is accurate.

Thanks again.
