1/48 Hasegawa Hurricane

I had some old paint issues with this one. I wanted to do the polish aces, but I’m saving the decals for the airfix kit. Anywhow, the last one for the year. Not my best work - but here you go. This Hasegawa kit has a closed canopy.

I live in fear of paint going sideways, especially the clear coat. It really looks pretty good, though, John.

Other than the Monogram Hurricane kits of many years past, the only ones on my shelf right now are two of the Classic Airframes kits, which went together well. We should have a Hurricane GB, the old girl needs more love!

Yes it does happen but the camo looks real good and the wash [B]. nice job.

Well, John, if you had issues, you recovered extremely well. Great job!

Outstanding work.

Outstanding. I can’t see the issues

Nothing wrong with that at all. Nicely done.

Looks great there John!