Very nicely done Sir!
Thanks Lawdog and TREYZX10R! Much appreciated.
Wow - well done. I have one in the stash and have yet to do a German fighter. You’rs is inspirational! Museum quality. Very nice.
Thanks for the very nice comments keavdog.
Exceptional, Hoss, thanks for the details and photos. Very helpful, gave me some ideas for improving my work, (needed.)
Thanks for your nice comments Patrick. This community is great for learning this craft. Thanks to all the modelers who share their techniques and tips. Good stuff.
Absolutely awesome. And the step by step was great too
It passes for the full size prototype! Awesome paint and detailing. The flat came up perfect as well… something Im finding difficult in modelling paints to master. I can get it consistant but not quite as flat as I want.
Can I ask what you use for the aerial cable?
Thanks for the comments tempestjohnny and Josh.
Josh, the aerial cable is made from EZ Line ( I use the “fine” black, usually paint it steel or gray, and attach it with CA glue. The insulators are PVA glue blobs. EZ Line is really great to work with since it stretches. I actually think it’s a tiny bit thick for 1/48 scale, but it still looks OK.
I’m still searching for the perfect flat also. The most flat I’ve found so far is Alclad “flat”. A couple coats of this and the finish is dead flat. I almost think it’s too flat for 1/48 scale. Testors flat clear lacquer and Alclad matte are roughly on par with each other for a smooth finish with just a hint of sheen.
Thanks Hoss thats great. I appreciate you taking the time to walk me through your method. Ill pick up some EZ line. I saw the insulators on the line and thought how cool!
Thanks for the tips on the matt clear. I had used a wurth matt clear on my p40 which was ral1250 but just that bit too glossy, so I tried Tamiya matt clear from my local hobby store whilst picking up paint for the zero Ive got, but it was almost identical. The testors flat seems to be popular amongst the guys here on the forum.