1/350 scale TOS E update

Nine months later and merrily tooling along:


Test shot of upper and lower saucer halves (secondary conical dome is styrene, clear PETG version over vacform plug in lower left corner). Resin test shot of B/C deck. Upper left corner is the original wood and sculpey piece. Other masters are bridge housing, front eng. hull halves (with ring plugs), hangar-bay door plug; warp-nacelle bussard dome, rings, end-cap, and aft grilles.


Top row center: vacformed eng. hull quick-built as guide for resin casting of new front section (for final mold). Test shots of eng. hull halves and warp-nacelles (armature being designed to connect both hulls and nacelles). Nacelle grille strip beneath ring-sections; mastered intercooler fittings below those. Lower row: sensor rings, aft nacelle grilles, bussard domes, end-cap, hangar-bay door plug, bridge and B/C deck housing.

Last things on the list to finish: pylons, bridge and light-domes, armature, impulse-engine/strip, deflector-dish/post, and some other minor fittings.

looks good, you plan on kitting this?

Yes, separate modular kits (saucer, nacelles, eng. hull) as conversion sets for canon/non-canon designs, the refit (early versions of the Phase II design had almost as much in common as the movie version), and as upgrades for the NX kit. Also working on modular armature design to fit everything together.

Very cool… Are you planning to make the nacelle domes clear? Would like to see something that is along the lines of the PL 1/1000 with clear areas for lighting, etc.

Domes, including the bussard caps, will be clear PETG plastic like the lower saucer cone. (If anyone has it in mind to start making lighting sets, the bussard-cap dimensions are 7/8" deep by 1 3/4" diameter.)

Nice work. That will be a beaut along side a 1/350 refit. Lots of potential. Will there be any interior parts to go behind the windows?

At this point just trying to finish the detail parts and domes (sculpting the main sensor dish right now). Barring someone jumping in with aftermarket parts, will likely put together a shuttlebay and a bridge sometime in 2006.

Fantastic - about time since no one seems to listen at RC2. At least when Polar Lights ran things here in Mishawaka, you could walk in as my wife and I did and talk to them!

When you are ready to sell your first one, let me know at theoracle7@aol.com and second, how you want to get paid - got the lighting system ready to go, just need a few chips to bring it to life!


Drew and Crew

I even hate to ask but this is the first place that I’ve heard the term TOS. what does it stand for? It could be so simple that I’m just missing it.

TOS stands for “The Original Series” and the “E” in the title of the thread is for Enterprise. Now the abbreviation for Enterprise catches me off guard all of the time because I often think someone one is referring to the Enterprise “E” from the movies. Most of the Enterprises are refered to by the letter suffix such as “The B” would be the Excelsior class, “The C” the Ambassador class, and so on. The TOS has no letter to distiguish it so it is called the TOS version. The movie version, both from ST: The Motion Picture and the “Enterprise A”, are both referred to as “The Refit” since externally they are both practically identical. The Enterprise from the new series is just caller the “NX” Enterprise for more obvious reasons. I hope this helps.


Thanks, that clears up one point of confusion in my life.

Such a long way to go.