Hello All,
I have started my first model ship, the 1/350th CVN 65. I started off today by starting my hanger deck. I realize the hanger may not be canon, but by the time she is done Im sure she will impress…me most of all…heh. Anyway here are some pics. Just click on the CVN folder.
Which kit are you using? I have the Tamiya. Is the hanger deck construction pretty simple?
I am using the Mini Hobby Models Kit. Most people slam it for being poor quality, but after I saw the Tamiya and MHM kit side by side unbuilt they are exactly the same…after all they both used the same mold. It comes down to a matter of preference. Also, the hanger deck is fairley easy to build, just make sure you leave enough room to build the ceiling for LED’s if you light it up.