1/32 me-109F construction pictures

I know some people can’t stand to see yet another 109 -but for those interested, here is what I got so far…

Unlike my skyraider (which was built mostly OOB), this plane has some detail work on it, and by the time it’s done will have quite alot of small details added to it.

This is going to be a 109F2 that was assigned to Werner Molders . I have spent alot of time researching this model because it’s for someone who has requested that the model be reasonably accurate. I am not an expert in 109s, but I do have a pretty good group of books in my reference library.

There are no aftermarket markings for this particular bird so I am going to have to make my own decals.

Here are the things that have been the hardest to make so far - the markings! The eagle emblems were a real learning experience. I drew these in adobe illustrator - it has taken me literally 20 hours of messing with illustrator to get what you see here. I still need to make the Werke Number and kill markings - so I have a ways to go. Then I have to get them printed - it’s a pain.

I have a the wheel wells almost finished. This 109F2 is just a little bit different because it has squared off wheel wells (rather than the normal round wells normally seen in the 109F series). But photos don’t lie

The cover is made from thin copper, the snaps from punched plastic, and the stitching is from the eduard WWI stitching set. As a bonus I opened the access holes and added the hydraulic ram that retracts the gear leg, and the locking mechanisim which is prominent in many photos.

I also have the pit prepared and all ready for detail painting. Hopefully I will have that done this weekend! The detail is the wonderful Aires pit, with some minor stuff added to spiff it up. The biggest modification is that I cut out the 109G style seat that the set comes with, and vac formed a 109F style seat. I have yet to see an aftermarket set in any scale get the seat right for a 109F!

cheers ,


That’s looking great. The gear bay and cockpit look very nicely done. The level of detail is very impressive. Those Aires pits are great aren’t they, all they need is a good paint job to make them look good. And it looks like you’ve succeeded. Thanks for sharing.

An excellent start on what promises to be an impressive model. Keep us posted.

Regards, Rick

a very detailed work in progress. Looks like you really know your stuff [:)]

I agree those Aires cockpits are a charm!!! Great work so fat… I love the wheel well detail!

the progress looks great. looking forward to the next installment.
