Does any one know of a source for corrected prop blades for the Hasegawa Ju87G Stuka in1:32?Also,how about brass 37 MM cannon barrels?Many thanks for any help,Mike
I think you wanted to post in the Aircraft forum.
you wan the AC forum. However, Schatton Modellbau makes replacement truned barrels for that kit.
Just out of curiosity, and since we’ve got you here in the Armor forum, what is supposedly wrong with the kit’s prop?
Brian, all hasegawa’s 1/32 props area bit off. The width, chord and angle are supposedly inaccurate. Personally, I couldn’t care less, but for some it is blatant enough to emrit replacements.
BTW, Eagle Editions is planning on coming up with replacement props for that kit.
Yeah,I kind of messed this one up…Got involved and forgot where I was…Sure NOBODY else has done this before. Apologies to any Tankers I offended. Back to the question,Brian,The review on the Eagle Editions site pointed this out as the kits only flaw,in that the blades should be more “paddle-shaped”,& that Eagle Editions would be offering replacements soon.Looking at some photos in some elderly references I have,I tend to agree,but as a Tank person,just only considering the Ju87G as a build,I was looking to see if some other supplier might have already picked up on this,rather than waiting for the Eagle Editions release.If I postpone too long ,I’ll probably recover my senses and get back to a proper “Dark Side” build !! Mike
Thanks for the info, guys!