1/32 HK DO-335 completed

Got started on this monster, this week.

So far, so good. Parts are all nice and well detailed, and fit together well.

The kit provides cast weights for the nose. One is buried in the front engine and the other sits just behind the firewall (visible in pics).

Only a few additions to this kit…some wiring and plumbing for the engines. In the pit, I scratched the belts with tape (kit provides PE, but looks clunky and crappy), detailed the rear of the IP, and made new throttle levers.

I’m skipping the fuel tank (between pit and rear engine), as it won’t be seen.

That looks really nice, I almost bought one at a show in Oregon last year, seeing yours wish I had. Thanks for posting and please continue.

I built this for the HK stand at Scale Model World show at Telford when the kit was released.

HGW has some fantastic seat belts and masters metal barrels is all you need apart from scratching extra plumbing around the engines.

I would recommend Vallejo’s RLM 81/82/83 in a late war 2 or 3 tone splinter camo with either RLM 76 or 84 lower surface.

Your build looks great so far. I do hope that you are enjoying it!


That really does look amazing and some great additional detail. Will be following this one, i really need to get one of these kits.

Thanks fellas[t$t]

Gotten quite a ways with this one.
Fuselage buttoned up…fit wasn’t great, but not too bad. Needed some putty in front of the windscreen.
The wings are several parts, and don’t fit all that great. Unless I missed it, there is no part for the landing light. I made one out of a scrap 1/72 250lb bomb…I’ll get a shot of that later.
Have done a little bit of “pre-painting”, while painting another project.

One other modification.
The radiator(???..piece in the front cowling) is molded smooth/flat. Looking at some pics, it should have a “screen-like” appearance. I happened to have a little candy/goodie bag in my drawer. I saved it, from a wedding several years ago, thinking that it might come in handy for something someday! I cut the pieces and glued them down with diluted white glue(Elmers/water).

…and…all the fiddly bits…

Just about ready to get everything into the paint booth…but I ran myself out of black and white paint. Gotta wait for my order to show up.

Lookin’ good, Mr. Fermis!

Now that looks like a kit that is well worth the cost! Oh man, I really want one of these someday.


Got some paint slung at this beast!

Got this beast all wrapped up!

Gonna give it a few days for the paint and glue to fully cure…then I gotta figure out how to pack it up, so it gets to the other side of the country…in ONE piece!

Being freakin massive, I couldn’t get full body shots in my paint/photo booth.

…and that’s all she wrote!

A wide angle lens will help!

Excellent outcome. You should put them on HK model’s FB page!

Here’s their latest Do 335 for you

You should try their B-17’s or new Lancaster


Wow that is beautiful! Really well done. Tell me your treatment for the tires.

That is quite beautiful Fermis. It’s good to see back on here. I see you’re married now as well. Congrats!

At 1:32 you almost ought to be adding more detailed builds it seems. So much more room. It’d be a shame not to. =]

That’s a really great finish you got there! It really captures the massivity of the real thing. Well done!

Well done, Jeremy. You got the skills!

Wow, Fermis great work! The finish on this bird is amazing.

Thanks for sharing!

2 words come to mind…WOW STUNNING.

What a masterpiece!