1/28 scale Spad by Revell

Desperately seeking a 1/28 Spad kit for unique diorama. Can anyone help? This is for a good friend of mine…


Mike in Calif.

That might be very expensive, since they are out of production.

Why not just do the 1/32 scale HobbyCraft kit?

That should make using 1/35 scale military figures easier.

Tom T [C):-)]

GEE BEE Could I be your MAn? I have collected Near A DOZEN OF these Revell OOP Kits over the last few Partly out of Obession, Part out of some Fanatsy that I will one day Be able ot Afford and the CopperState Model Detail Parts For them includung Real Wooden Carved and Finished Scale Props TO make one for ALL my Friends. I don’t have that many Friends. THey Cost On Averge $60.00 to $30.00 to Collect. I have contact Information Posted @ www.misterkitusa.com

My Personal Opinon with re: to the Hobby Craft 1/32 Kit is that while very good. THe Venerable Revell SPAD 1/28 is a totaly Different Class and Definately a georgeous Classic KIt Easily Detailed and Scatched. Great Size and a Few Figures in Scale Included.

Yours Truly Mike

Like I said “expensive”. Also, after having done both, the HC kit’s instrument panel is more accurate, as well as the painting instructions on the box bottom much better then Revell’s.

Although the Revell kit includes a detailed engine, it is hard to get the rocker arm cover fairings to fit right, since the engine kind of sticks out the fuselage a bit too much, causing them to “float”.

As a point of trivia, a detail that they all seem to miss is that what appears to be interplane struts are in fact main wing cable supports, and the main cross cables they support are in fact much heavier then the rest of the plane’s rigging.

And as I mentioned for background and action figures, 1/32 is a lot closer to 1/35 then 1/28th.

Tom T [C):-)]

These kits are routinely available on ebay at very reasonable prices. If you want a Revell Spad, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. It is a FANTASTIC and classic kit!

I have to agree with Scott. I would also suggest a Windsock Data File on the Spad for reference. There is more to detail out the interior. Also there is a Memorial Assoication In France which has several WWI ACFT Origianl Restorations on their hands and have great reference photos posted online. http://memorial.flight.free.fr/indexuk.html There are other things as well the Cross brace on the Inner Struts is a metal tube not wood. Also the Angled Forward strut on the Fusealage is a metal cover for wire braceing. The Windsock Data file has enough pics to figure out the raditor and engine plumbing which is missing from the Original Revel Kit but Hey even an OOB build of this kit is impressive.

The intruments are covered by CopperState AM PE Sets. as well as others just for this Kit. www.amug.org/~copperst

Some ask me from time to time which MK Acrylic colors for this bird and I refernece the WINDSOCK DATA FILE.

In reference to your Inquiry I checked Windsock Datafile 32 SPAD 13.C1 by J.M. Bruce.

Page 33 States " In October 1917 the French introduced a standardized five-color pattern for aeroplane upper surfaces, consisting of Chestnut Brown, Dark Green, Light Green, Beige and Black, with Light Yellow or Light Grey under surfaces."

Also on page 32, it describes the not as well known Yellow Camo Scheme. “The first SPAD 13’s left the factory with clear Doped fabric surfaces, and the metal areas and forward fuselage, often extending to a vertical line behind the cockpit, painted a Light Yellow.”

If your interested in the famous Five Color Camo Scheme I believe the Colors you’d want to Order are :

FR05 Chestnut Red Brown
FR11 French Dark Green
FR12 French Light Green
FR10 French Beige

Depending on the machine, unit, or service for the underside surfaces you’d want either:
FR03 Light Yellow
US02 U.S. Grey

The Yellow scheme would be:
FR03 French Light Yellow
FR04 French Clear Doped Linen

Yours Truly mike. www.misterkitusa.com

Let me know if you don’t find what you want on ebay and want to buy one out right? I might be able to help?