1/16 Trumpeter T-34 Group Build

I know there are a lot of GB ideas floating around out there but ausf made mention of something I thought was interesting. There are several people who have posted that they have or are planning to have one of the Trumpeter T-34 series in their stash for future build. I don’t know how many exactly, but the fact that this kit has so much detail and similarity across the different variants (76-'42, 76-'43 and 85) in this scale it offers a lot of potential for a longer term GB effort.

The timeframe would have to be wide enough to allow for the massive work needed on this beast, would 6 months be enough? I realize there are some significant cost/time barriers that might make this less than practical for some, but if enough are willing we could organize a group build for it with enough latitude to encompass everything else going on around it.

So three questions:

  1. Who has or is planning to get one of these kits?
  2. Would you be interested in a GB?
  3. How long a time would be reasonable?

Depending on the number of responses we can go from there I suppose.


Terms of the build:

  1. Any 1/16 Trumpeter T34 variant (76-'42, 76-'43, 85)
  2. Begin Sept. 11th, 2004
  3. End May 1, 2005
  4. Modular format (group works together on same areas of the kit)

Module 1: Lower Hull Interior Steps 1-6 (Due date Oct. 10)
Module 2: Engine and Gearbox Assemblies Steps 7-16 (Due date Nov. 28)
Module 3: Upper Hull Assembly and detail Steps 17-28 (Due date Jan 2)
*Steps 29-30 involve the wheel installation, this can happen at any time given your preference for painting/weathering and your variant.
Module 4: Turret Interior, Gun, and Assembly Steps 31-39 (Due Date Feb 20)
Module 5: Painting/Weathering/Finishing (Due date April 30)

  1. No limit on # of participants

Currently signed on:


I would be wbill. I am not one for Russian Armor, but the price of the kit is very hard to pass up. It will need to be a very long Build Group considering it’s size and full interior. Got to love the snap together tracks [:p]



This would be exactly what I would need to tackle this beast, I have the '42 . It would have to be a real slow one though, a relaxed and supportive deal. I could balance this with other projects (including the two Tamiya 1/16s I have going) and might be an excellent build over the Fall/Winter months. Count me in. There are quite a few here who have it. (or am I confusing here with over there? [;)])


That’s exactly what I would be after…a nice relaxed effort. How about an October '04 to May '05 timeframe? Too long? (September seems a busy month for people in general but maybe that wouldn’t be a factor if we allow a long enough leisurely build window).

Even if it’s just 3-4 participants, I think this would be a nice effort. Of course, the more the merrier! [:D]

Sounds great! In my opinion, this is what a ‘Group Build’ should be. A bunch of modelers across the world building the same kit. To me, it’s infinitely more interesting to post ‘how did you deal with the pin marks on the clutch plate?’ or 'who else got suckered by the instuctions in step 24?" than just posting progress on a similar topic. Not to detract from other builds, but I found after initialing joining, I lost interest because it was just building a model at that point, no reason give a step by step because no one else was doing the same kit.
The 1/16 Tiger Group Build led by Erock a while back was the epitome of this. Those guys were really working together and sharing help and info in a way that was amazing.
This particular kit seems to be a great opportunity for a fantastic build and being new, it’s not a rehash for anyone.
I’d even like to see it broken down further, different sections of the build addressed simultaneously, say working the main gun, you know, sharing research pics, scratch building ideas, painting the wear and weather…then moving on to some other part.
Now the question, which location?

Not sure I follow you here but I like the idea of ordered progress on certain sections although people may have different preferences in how they build. The idea that everyone would pretty much be working with the same kit has a lot of appeal to me as a “workshop” type approach especially with this particular subject and all the opportunities it provides.

So far the interested parties are :


with a tentative date timeframe of October '04 to May '05.

Good luck Bill and and all. I will watch with both eyes on this one. Should be alot of spectacular builds here.

Add another two eyes to that Tigerman.[:D]

(and add another post to my name…[(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D])

Moses or Ausf,

I’m willing to move it up a bit, say mid-September if you want to get going on this sooner rather than later. I’ve looked at my StuG kit for the GB and it ought to be done by then barring anything really unfortunate. [:D]

Anyone else interested in joining? I’m excited by the prospect this offers for builders and spectators alike. [:D]

Me too, anyone object? [:(][;)][:o)]

No objection here. [:D]

You get one too Bill. [^] Okay, I’ll stop now. Sorry, don’t want to Star Farm.

On a serious note, it looks like a winner, but have yet to see it built up. How much PE comes with it? Another question is where are you going to put it when done? Might make a nice end table. LOL

Finished item is 16" long according to the reviews I’ve read and I’ve got just the place staked out for it already. It comes with a lot of nice extras such as PE, rubber tires for the '42 variant, etc. Let me take some pics and will post them up in a bit. Very nice price too for a 1/16.

Here are some pics…some are a bit blurry, but you still get the idea on the size/contents.

The kit in the box:

Vinyl tires and snap-together tracks:

Included PE grills and other parts including brass wire for the tow rope and all metal springs for the suspension! :

The very nicely molded upper hull for a sense of size:

And the individually molded wheel rims:

All the other parts are in bags on sprues. This is the first kit I’ve ever bought that had sub-boxes inside to house the more delicate/detailed items to prevent them from banging around against the others.

I could probably start Mid-Sept. if we’re all agreed on a slow one. Between my oldest son (5) going off on a school bus for the first time, work on the house I haven’t got to yet this summer and football starting it’ll be a little crazy, but manageable.

Sounds good to me ausf, how about Sept. 12th as an “official” start date and we let it run until May 1?

Would love to Wbill,

I have the kit, but I don’t see having any time until at least 2006 !

Come on, Jim. Join Us, Joiiiiiin Usssssss.
We’re talking about a month on the engine, three weeks on the main gun, a decade on the hull…

You had a hand in me buying this kit, Now help me build it for Pete’s sake!


If you already have this kit, then you know the power it wields by its very presence…mine continually calls to me in the stilll of the night in a whispery voice that says “Build me and they will come…” [:D]

This will be a very liesurely build in the sense that each area is very detailed and will be done almost as a mini build in their own right if everyone agrees to that format.

We could definitely use a 4th! Join us and embrace your destiny!

Playing the guilt card, huh,


You’re making it tough ! I can’t do what I have now ![xx(][xx(]

Okay, I’m in. (Just so you don’t get Renarts after me)

I’m going to go slow ! So don’t get too far ahead