I tried eBay first , but found the Ertl & SpecCast drums that were up were bloody expensive. Whats a drum anyway? A cylinder with two stiffening ridges in the middle and rims on either end, plus the cap, right ? Given the right measurements , it should be bloody easy to hand-build.
Anyone got those measurements?
And yea, I know about . Their sandbags are fabulous, but I gotta say the camo netting is idiotically easy to do yourself. Ditto the beach-obstacles.
I’d like to give the drums a shot myself before I end up buying 'em.
I’m also tempted to try that Crayola Model Magic air-hardening stuff for making simple castings. Anyone tried it ?
Any other modelling tips in 1/16?
Make sandbags by sewing a long tube of muslin cloth dyed to a brown colour, then cut to the appropriate length and sew up one end, then fill with a mix of soil and tile grout. THe texture of the muslin is about right for 1/16 hessian cloth used for sandbags.
for Barbed wire, get two strands of wire and make a couple of twists, then using a pin as a former, take another short length of wire and wrap tightly around the shaft of the pin three times. Slide this small peice of wire over one fo the strands you were twisiting - you have one barb. Add another 2 twists and repeat with another small piece wrapped around the pin. Time consumimg but it makes great barbed wire. Once you’ve finished, go along and trim the ends of your little barbs to a shorter length.
all 1/16 scale and cheap too email him and he will send you some pics i ordered some stuff for my tiger tank
If you give me the dimensions you need, I’ll turn a few drums on the lathe for you…they’ll be cheap…I promise.